Monday, October 22, 2007

Ah, Hebrew

So these two Israeli girls (in the Israeli program) are offering an ulpan type thing for any girls who are interested in the American program. Now, anyone who knows me is fully aware of my hyserical Hebrew skills, so I figures this was probably a good oppertunity for me.
Well, the first part of the program is taking a test, to establish skill levels. The test is around five double-sided pages long and it gets harder as you go. I figured I'd go through a few pages and give up. But no, apparently I'm good enough to finish this thing! So I did. With occasionall complaints to the poor girls proctering us.
My favorite part were the sentance fill-ins. I just had fun with them. In multiple sentences I mentioned my desire for the test to end. Sometimes I mentined how I would never again travel withough my trusty Hebrew/English dictionary. Best part was when a sentance would begin with words I couldn't understand. Something like "Ani GIBBIERISHWORDSTHATIDON'TKNOW _________________________" I'd fill in the blank with something along the lines of, "aval ani no mvinah "GIVVERISHWORDSTHATIDON'TKNOW"' and that would be my complete sentance. It took me an hour and half, but I was entertained!

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