Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving...Sort Of

So, I wanted to throw a big Thanksgiving party, with all sorts of fun stuff, like maybe a turkey. Of course, that plan fell apart pretty quickly, as nearly everyone had some sort of family/friends from different Midrashot plans already. So instead I grabbed Eliana, and we decided to head for Emek Rfa'im, one of the two hang-out streets. Basically, there's a lot of food options. It's around 45 minute walk from school, give or take, so we decided to walk it.
Well, about 8 minutes into the walk, a dog picks us as the most interesting thing around. And this dog follows us. And follows us. In fact, the dog follows us all the way to Emek Rfa'im. Problem? We cross a bunch of BIG streets on the way. A big street in Israel can have up to three lights, with little island things you stand on in the middle of the road. And this dog was stupid, kept getting himself in the middle of the road before realizing we'd stopped at the last island-thing. We'd start shouting at the dog (I tried in Hebrew, it can't hurt right?) and eventually he'd come back to us. We spent most of the walk FREAKING OUT. And I don't think there's any sort of animal control in this country.
Anyway, when we finally got there he picked someone else to follow, and we ducked into Shnitzi's, which is similar to Chickies, but not as good (in my personal opinion, that is). Anyway, we both got sandwiches, and hung out, watching the crowd. Normally when I'm there (which isn't often at all, really) There's a ton of American teens with their friends. Lots of people I know at different Yeshivas and Midrashot. But this time, it was mostly Israeli's. Interesting change. More people started showing up as we left, but we decided to walk back, so we didn't want to stick around for too long. It was very cold outside.
Anyway, we got back around 11 at night, and I went back to my room to crash. Out of the four people in my suite, only Lani and I stayed in that night, as my roomie went to her parent's house (they made aliyah) and Rikki flew home, so it was pretty quiet. Now I just have to finish packing and get on a bus to Beit Shemesh for Shabbos.